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Which is the best way to set up a new pair of parrots?
Almost every breeder retains part of their production each year. These young, on maturity, will form the next generation of breeders....
Myth: Handling bird eggs and chicks in the nest is the cause for the parent abandoning them.
This is what you hear most often then not, that the eggs or chicks were abandoned due to human touch. It is a Myth and not a Fact. It is...
14 Parrot Hand-Feeding Tips
All pet bird owners should know something about the do's and don'ts of hand-feeding. Whether you’re a bird breeder new to your profession...
Lovebird Breeding Basics
Health Requirements: To breed successfully, each breeding Lovebird should be healthy, normal and between one and five years of age....
Ask yourself these questions before getting a Lovebird
â—¦ Do I have a safe space to keep this Lovebird? â—¦ Do I understand that I am able to provide a home for him at all times? Lovebirds can...
How to Determine the Sex of a Lovebird
There are services that will test your bird's DNA. By doing DNA you can determine Lovebirds sex. Female lovebirds need more width in the...
How to mate Lovebirds
The first and foremost thing is that closely related lovebirds should not be allowed to mate each other. (e.g.) Brother and sister or...
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